Monday, July 26, 2010

Freedom to Choose Good OR Evil

We Chose Agency

Everyone who is reading this post has fought for agency--the freedom to choose.

In the pre-mortal life we progressed to the point where we needed to come to Earth and receive a body to progress further. We would have to be righteous & keep God's law to return to him.

Heavenly Father created a plan where we would be able to come to Earth and choose good or evil. This agency would be made possible only through an Atonement because we would all undoubtedly fail.

Lucifer had, what he thought to be, a better plan. He wanted to take away the agency of man and force them to do/choose good so that none would be lost and all would return to HF's presence. But this plan goes against the eternal principle of agency. And, of course, Lucifer wanted the glory for executing the plan.

Everyone here on Earth sided with Heavenly Father's plan and choose agency. We and Heavenly Father knew that we would lose some of our brothers and sisters who choose to do evil, but agency was worth the reward and is the only way we can become like Heavenly Father. We must choose for ourselves.

"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and call things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil." - 2 Nephi 2:27

The Constitution Guarantees Agency & Liberty

Many of the founders of our country (especially of the Jefferson/Madison crowd) believe that as God is eternally free and we are created in his likeness & image, we too, are eternally free. We are guaranteed life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness in the Constitution.

We have the freedom to choose good and the freedom to choose evil insomuch as that evil does not infringe on the rights of others.

Many are Choosing Satan's Plan

Since the time of the constitution we as a nation made up of the natural man have moved into the tyrannical state of forcing others to do what we think/believe/know to be right and good.

This is happening on the Left and the Right. It is a Democrat problem and it is a Republican problem.

For example:

The Left wants the freedom to put whatever they want in their lungs, but they don't think someone should have the freedom to do what they wish with their money.

The Right wants freedom to do with their money whatever they wish, but they want to force you to not put drugs into your body.

My libertarian argument is that we don't force other to do what we know to be right or correct. Let's not confuse the role of society and churches with the role of government. Society should urge each other to do good and be righteous. Government should guarantee our freedoms.

1 comment:

  1. Is it not amazing that satan is still using his plan from before the earth that we should have no choice no agency-and people are buying it. After all these years it still convinces many-as it did 1/3 of the host of heaven. I struggle with legalizing everything though....I have a friend who does not believe in teaching his child anything, only letting him decide for himself. So drinking is not forbidden or smoking or does he even teach that it is bad for him...he lets this young child decide for himself. Maybe this is how I feel it would be if everything, even dangerous things, were legal. No right and wrong would be taught. I realize I am tainted and have a very religious idea to laws and that right and wrong laws apply to everyone, ex.the ten commandments.
    As you can tell, I am not good at expressing myself in written form. Hopefully, something I wrote makes sense. Thanks for letting me voice in.
