Thursday, March 20, 2014

Observations from EM06 Republican Caucus Meeting 2014

It sure is great to attend the local caucus meeting. It is grassroots and I love the people who attend. They are vigilant citizens who want to protect our freedoms as they best know them.

So some quick observations:

1. The Utah Republican Party Platform
I wish I would have taken notes b/c the platform read changed this year and one thing stuck out specifically stuck out to me:

All the language around regulations previously stated "Government regulation can be a major impediment to productivity and to competition. We must rely more on market forces and less on government." But the new platform mentioned had language that was more regulation-friendly.

2. Establishment vs. Non-Establishment
Four years ago you were elected delegate if you said, "I'm getting rid of the Establishment candidate Bob Bennett."

Two years ago you were elected delegate if you said, "I support the Establishment candidate Orrin Hatch."

This year you were elected delegate if you said, "I support people like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz."

So why the swing? Well, money. The core, grassroots, informed, involved members of the precinct voted the same way each time. But two years ago Orrin Hatch sent out his distress signal in the form of hundreds of thousands of dollars in ads and support from other Establishment folks like Romney. It worked and those Establishment folks came out of the woodwork.

I'm not saying that those people who came last time were not sincere, nor do I say that my generalization can be applied to all. But I think this observation has merit, what do you think?

3. Good People Need Your Encouragement
There were so many good people who could do such a great job at any office position we voted on tonight. I like to see a reluctant, stellar person get elected because I know that they do it w/o any ego or pride. There was one person that I think if I nominated her, she would have been elected w/o even a word or a speech.

4. To Heck with Count My Vote
Primary elections, just like general elections, go to the best politician with the most money. I despise this about the process. The caucus/delegate/convention gives the local citizens are real voice, and forces candidates to answer hard questions in a rigorous vetting process.

5. How Fortunate to Have a Rep in our Precinct
Dave Lifferth is awesome. I only agreed with about 70% of his votes this session, but he will talk with his people. He listens, he considers, he responds, and he cares. I gave a little bit of a hard time b/c that is what I normally do with our reps, but he has done some good things.

Well, I'm stoked to be a state delegate this time... even if just by default. I wasn't planning on it this year and that is probably why I actually got elected :)

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